Web development

In today’s digital world, the power of the brand can and must no longer suffer from the “ifs and buts” of security and technology. Nor should it suffer from all the arguments of “Can’t do it because the IT department…” or “We’ve never done it that way before…” or “Our customers don’t use mobile services…” These sentences and objections are spoken millions of times a day all over the world. These sentences prevent change, prevent opening up, and prevent breaking new ground that leads to new solutions and opportunities.

Digital Development & digital integration

“Many roads lead to Rome” – this saying could not be more apt for any activity in the field of information and communication technology. Many B2B companies have powerful and established monolithic systems. These were expensive to purchase and are therefore not to be questioned. But they have disadvantages. The subdivision into subsystems was and is weak in such central systems. The lack of modularization makes such systems complicated above a certain size and makes increasing complexity almost impossible to manage. Parts of the overall system can only be adapted, changed, or expanded with great effort, which has a negative impact on future-oriented benefits.

But times are changing. Digitalization and digital communication in terms of brand and marketing need fast solutions which are right-sized and state-of-the-art. These solutions also need to be fun, showcase the brand, and enable simple interactions.

Only those who start digitally can arrive.

When it comes to web development, one thing is particularly important to us: Nice concepts and ideas are not enough. As “digital craftspeople,” our digital developers create digital realities in the agency. Only then is it fun and successful for both us and our customer. Only when the code is written, the website or web application prototype is ready, the function is running and can be tested — only then does it really become clear whether the implementation is compelling.

Our team of web developers in the agency is therefore quick to reach this point in digital development, because only then does the real work for success begin, in our view. As a B2B digital agency, we show what works. This allows us to reach our goal and achieve success faster together.

The following applies: If a website, web solution, web application or app is not compelling from the outset and the content is not well received, it will not become more compelling with additional content or functions.

As an agency, we are clear, direct, and fast when it comes to web development (digital development) and possible rejection. For many, this is a new experience when working with us as a digital agency. As a sparring partner, we are also quick to discard approaches when necessary.

Our aim as a digital agency is to find solutions that don’t involve overkill, or literally “shooting at sparrows with cannons.” If you need a microsite or a landing page for a marketing and communication topic, it doesn’t necessarily have to be behind a firewall with IT security class S3. When it comes to sensitive and special data that is used in the context of digital communication, security cannot be emphasized enough. The important thing is not to lump everything together!

Our tools for web development.

We speak Bavarian, German, English, Dutch, and Chinese. Many other languages and tools are important to us for successful digitalization. As a digital agency, we use the following web solutions, web app solutions, and app solutions:

  • Content management systems such as WordPress
  • Store systems like WooCommerce
  • PHP (Symfony2, Twig, Smarty, PHP Design Patterns, OOP)
  • mySQL
  • JavaScript (JQUERY, AngularJS, React, Node.js, JSON, OOP)
  • Python
  • HTML and CSS
  • Java and Swift

We are constantly learning and improving. This ensures that our solutions are smart and state-of-the-art for you. Everyone on our team is experienced in using their tools, can try out new things, and surfs the digital wave with confidence.

Web development — always with the brand in mind.

As a B2B digital and branding agency, we always have our customers’ brand success and sales in mind during web development — in addition to costs and efficiency. That is because today, web applications and web solutions are no longer created in isolation from the customer’s perspective. Branding is crucial, because the customer’s prior trust already helps in the beta phase. It is therefore crucial to get started together at an early stage; for example, with an initial small test project, a digital challenge that is manageable for everyone. There is always room for more. And with this type of close collaboration, the chemistry that needs to be right between everyone is another important success factor for us.

We never develop in isolation from the brand and customer perspective. Marketers can talk about customer journeys, content marketing, brand management, and brand experience in the digital space. Or about understanding and acceptance within their own company. In discussions with developers and IT experts, the focus tends to be on technology and the system.

Our brand and marketing communication experts therefore sit at the table in an interdisciplinary team. This ensures that the solution is equally well received by everyone.

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