Implementation, training

As a B2B branding agency, we support the implementation of brand positioning and corporate design in B2B companies. We also support branding training for active use by users. After all, employees are the most important brand ambassadors.

Make application simple. Provide security.

Implementation from brand positioning to brand design

The best brand strategy is only as good as how it is implemented and rolled out in a B2B company. To put it even more clearly: 90% of both immediate and long-term brand success is in implementation. This is our experience as a branding agency. Particularly in the sub-disciplines of corporate design, corporate behavior, and the associated wording, a company’s brand presence can be experienced very quickly and very directly by all stakeholders, both internally and externally.

What are the requirements for a strong, consistent brand presence in line with the brand strategy?

Corporate design is a key issue. However, a uniform corporate appearance can only be achieved if all users — internal and external — are open to the subject of corporate design and convinced of its benefits. In line with the top-down principle, brand strategy and brand image need to be cascaded and implemented from top management through middle managers to each operational unit.

Through appropriate knowledge building in the operational units, providing ongoing information, and training, employees can be provided with the knowledge they need to correctly handle the technical tools provided. We support this phase intensively as a branding agency. In addition to implementation among employees at the company’s headquarters and in the decentralized units, other target groups in the levels of distribution channels may be of importance.

The knowledge refers to both knowing and actively using the corporate identity and corporate design manual, but also to using provided templates and databases. Today, electronic templates are completely standard for everyday work. These are mainly the digital templates for typical Word and Excel applications, as well as PowerPoint templates for presentations and web applications, handling and sharing correct logo files with third parties, and so on. It is important that the use of the various digital templates is well documented. The documentation must be simple and understandable, be very user-oriented, and provide the user with tips and tricks for quick and efficient application in everyday life.

Another aspect for implementation and documentation is the question of when, how, and how much to implement. There is no rule here. This decision always depends on the situation of the company. In the case of a launch, there is a clear starting point at which all basic materials must be available in the new corporate design. In the case of a merger, there may be a defined point in time at which everything must be consistently replaced. In a relaunch, there may be a defined phase in which the new successively replaces the old. The larger the organizations, the more the logistical component needs to be planned at the time of launch for successful implementation.

Training for positive customer touchpoints

Good documentation of corporate design, corporate wording, corporate communication, and corporate behavior is of great importance in the implementation phase of a new brand or during the relaunch of a brand. When well documented, information is available quickly and easily accessible in various places and media. But reading and applying alone only leads to a certain degree of success.

Training is the best way to reach employees, the company’s brand ambassadors. The need for brand-oriented training is always tailored to the company. As a branding agency, we can help you along the way.

  • Training courses and workshops that deal with the correct and efficient use of digital templates are helpful for apply the corporate design daily on a consistent basis. Office programs and various web templates for newsletters, emailings, posts, etc. are part of this and give users confidence.
  • Wording workshops are also an option: Instead of applying interchangeable off-the-shelf text, a strong brand with a unique style, clear statements, and inspiring language is convincing.
  • Sales training is also an option, where the focus is not on presenting products but on presenting the company and casual storytelling. This applies to daily presentations as well as special situations at trade fairs, exhibitions, and events.
  • Basic training for brand ambassadors who deal primarily with customers. The more this group of people is familiar with the brand values, brand message, and stories surrounding the brand, the more convincingly they can incorporate them into their daily communication.
  • Suddenly in front of the camera … tips and tricks during camera training help you to move more confidently, speak more freely, and present yourself and the brand in a more relaxed manner. This is also an essential part of brand work and brand perception.

Practical knowledge from many projects is bundled here in the branding agency, which reaches people in companies through training and enables rapid brand implementation.

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