Well-founded analysis is the basis for the effective choice of a name strategy. During the phase of the strategic preliminary work, we need the findings of the market environment and brand environment analysis relevant for naming. The information from the macro environment of the company and the knowledge from the micro environment provide the direction.

After all, names serve to identify, differentiate, and classify. And they carry a promise in them. The sound of the name creates associations and expectations.

In the strategic naming discussion, we define the profile. In terms of naming strategy and development, it makes a difference whether we are creating one single company name or whether two companies are being merged.

In the case of a merger, one has to judge whether and, if so, which name or part of a name remains, or whether a new and international brand name that stands on its own will be created. Naming a new product is different from naming a new product range. For a range, the context in which a new product exists relative to the complete range of the products of the company is important.

Each brand name needs its own name strategy. Each company and each market is different. This is where only processes can be standardized. The rest comes from experience in the naming agency owing to working on numerous and various international naming projects. A clear name strategy which is agreed on together before the start of the creative work creates a solid foundation for being creative in a particular direction and for judging the creative results. This is where we come full circle to the above-mentioned effective decisions that are necessary for an international naming strategy.